

Postdoctoral Research in Engineering

In Engineering, postdocs are integral to our success. We value their contributions and are thrilled to be part of LLNL’s robust postdoc program.  

Pay is competitive and work-life balance is an important part of our culture. Postdoctoral appointments at LLNL typically have a duration of 2-3 years with the expectation that publishable research will be conducted during that time.

Successful postdocs have strong letters of reference that demonstrate histories of collaboration and collegiality as well as curriculum vitae showing robust publication lists and excellent grades from reputable universities.

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Meet Our Postdocs

Becca Walton

Becca Walton

Becca Walton has been a postdoctoral researcher working in the additive manufacturing (3D printing) of glass in the Materials Engineering Division since 2020. In 2021, her presentation during the Postdoc Research Slam—"From Blowpipes to Printing Nozzles: Our Continuing Glass Mission"—earned her first place in the LLNL-wide competition. Prior to joining LLNL, Becca completed her undergraduate and graduate studies at Pennsylvania State University.

Sijia Huang

Sijia Huang

After earning her B.S. at the University of Minnesota, Sijia Huang completed a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering at the University of Colorado Boulder. She joined the lab in October 2021 having been awarded a Lawrence Fellowship. This highly competitive fellowship selects just three applicants per year and allows recipients to pursue their own research. Sijia’s focus is on sustainable and recyclable polymers for additive manufacturing. She previously worked as a research intern at Facebook Reality Lab and 3M company. Outside work, she enjoys snowboarding, rock climbing, and backpacking.

Postdoctoral Funding and Support

Along with competitive salaries, LLNL offers a variety of named fellowships that provide additional support to postdoctoral employees building their research portfolios.

Our Postdoc and Mentor Career Development Program facilitates career advancement through classes, socials, and networking events. Courses include seminars and in-depth workshops on a range of topics geared toward ensuring successful pursuit of science and technology careers.