Center for Advanced Signal and Image Sciences (CASIS)


Connecting the Signal and Image Science Community


The Center for Advanced Signal and Image Sciences (CASIS) establishes a forum for signal and image science experts to freely exchange cutting-edge research, methodologies, and technology.

CASIS acts as liaison among various signal and image processing groups in industry, government and academia, and coordinates with all Laboratory groups performing research and development related to the signal and imaging sciences. The center also transfers timely technical information through publications, technical presentations, seminars, and events like the annual CASIS Workshop at LLNL.

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CASIS workshop attendees collaborating outdoors

Signal and Image Science Community
At Our Most Recent Workshop

More than 150 members of the signal and image science community came together for the 28th annual CASIS workshop on June 5–6, 2024 to cover topics ranging from machine learning and AI to nondestructive evaluation to quantum information processing.

Learn more 

Technical Focus Areas

Signal and image processing is a broad field that relates to all the Lab’s core competencies. Current research and development efforts at CASIS include:

  • Adaptive optics
  • CT reconstruction and analysis
  • Computer vision and video analytics
  • Machine learning and artificial intelligence
  • Novel sensing
  • Quantum sensing and information processing
  • Radiation detection
  • Signal and image processing at NIF
CASIS equipment